Sales & Market Entry

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!

Your promotional activities will get you on the pitch, but when you’re there you have to shoot! At i2, we make a very clear distinction between sales and marketing; we understand that nice branding and fancy promotional materials are of limited use if they’re not appropriate to your target customers or markets. So, whether you’re just beginning to grow your business or you already have a thriving business, i2 has the hands-on experience and expertise to help grow your sales.

To achieve consistent sales growth we work with your company to create a clear sales action plan that is focused on generating quality sales leads. We do this by gaining an in-depth understanding of your customer needs and focusing on the growing sectors or geographical areas where your business is most profitable. We segment your customers, identify the most profitable ones, and work with you to effectively target them using a combination of direct mail, tele-sales and field sales.

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